He is finally here!!!
After almost 26 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing Oliver Patrick Lamb was born Saturday August 7th 2010 at 04:07 am... he weighed 8.1 lbs and was 20.75" long...
Immediately after his birth the doctor placed him on my stomach and according to Patrick I had the most surprised face expression - Wow is that a baby? Where did he come from? -
The feeling of holding him for the first time is indescribable and overwhelming yet fulfilling...
Now that he is a week and a day old we already faced the following challenges:
- Oh my God what do you do with the baby when he cries?
- I am glad to be out of the hospital, but what do you do the first night?
- Breastfeeding how can you be more difficult and painful than birth?
- How can the farts of a 7.11 lbs baby be louder and juicer than anything we've ever heard before?
- Stupid hormones, leave Mommy alone!!!
On the bright side the breastfeeding challenge lays in the past now and Oliver's current routine is similar to Julia Robert's new movie (no desire to see it) "Eat, Love & Pray" his is more "Eat, Shit & Sleep". He wakes up during the night about every three hours, which is not as bad as I thought it would be... Falling back to sleep has not been that hard...
Frankee is handling the new baby in the house pretty good... for the most part she doesn't care about him too much, walks by him and gives his feet the occasional sniff or lick and moves on... But I can see it in her eyes, that she is wondering if someone is going to come pick him back up soon, so we can go back to our normal threesome routine... Poor Frankee, he is here to stay and soon you are going to be able to play with him on the floor :)