Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Saturday we ventured to the Pumpkin Patch and had a great morning with the Bornibus Family and Grandma Tereza :)

Oliver didn't really care too much about the location, the sun shine or the pumpkins, but he was really happy to see his friend Shane :)  It is amazing how much the boys love to see each other and I am looking forward to them actually playing together...

We loved the location and all the activities they offered for the kids, but $9 a person for the corn maze is that normal?????

Already anticipating next years pumpkin patch excursion...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

MOVIE!!! !

I can't believe it, but WE are going to the movies tonight!!!!!

My first movie after Oliver's birth will be Jackass 3D!  I know a classy choice, but what can you do when you are part of the Johnny Knoxville Generation????

This will not only be my first movie since LO's arrival, but also my first movie in 3D!!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


This morning I was taking pictures of Oliver wearing his awesome akino and he decided to roll from his tummy onto his back!!!!

I couldn't believe my eyes and rolled him back and he did it again!  Then I called Patrick and he did it a third time and then a fourth time for my Mom...

 Oliver is 2 months and 10 days old today and this was right before he rolled-over 

Not as bad

We survived the first week back to work...  

I think Oliver adjusted a lot better than I have, it is a lot more exhausting than I thought it would be.  Last night I feel asleep with him at 8:30 pm and only woke up when he needed to nurse until 6am... One part of me is happy to be back at work and do my job and another part of me just wants to sleep!!!! Oh and a third part of me just wants to stay home with the little guy...  I guess I should look into creating Donik clones but I don't think that would work out... Just imagine the expenses on three times the amount of clothing LOL 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Big Day Tomorrow!!!!

tomorrow is my first half day back at work... URGHHHHHH

Grandma is here and will take care of him :)  So I know he is in good hands, but do I want to go back?  No! I think I need to start playing the lottery to increase my chances of becoming a millionaire (I take any suggestions for the next lucky numbers) 

I enjoyed my 8 weeks of being a stay at home Mom and unlike my prior believes I actually could see myself doing it full-time!  Crazy, huh?  I never thought I could see fulfillment in being surrounded by drool, dirty diapers and the sleep deprivation  BUT I love it!!!  At the end of the day (or I should better say MORNING) I get rewarded with the biggest smile and it makes it all worth it.