Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Steals and Deals

I have always been a fan of online shopping - shout out to amazon.com for rocking my world for the last 10 years! HOWEVER I never thought I would prefer it over going to the mall...  Don't get me wrong, I am still a mall rat and enjoy a good stroll through my mall of preference but with Oliver in tow it seems to be easier to surf the web for good deals... 
Also it just amazes me that things are generally so much cheaper online not including coupon codes - which what would I do without them???? 

It is almost turning into a minor obsession to find the BEST deal! 

25% off a Britax Car Seat
25% off a Svan Highchair, who could say no??? 

However Rite Aid is still one of my favorite stores to walk into and snag fantastic deals.  

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

new camera = more baby pictures

For my birthday Patrick got me the camera I wanted and now I am trying to get the hang of it and take lots and lots of pictures of Oliver :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

10 days to Thanksgiving and the beginning of the Holiday season...

Now that Oliver is here I can not wait for Christmas!  My Holiday Spirit was missing the last few years, but it is ON this year!!! Like every year we will go to the Christmas Tree Farm and pick out our tree and I will bake cookies... mmmmhhhh cookies :)  The one thing I am not looking forward to is, holiday gift shopping with a baby, thank God for the internet!!!

Yesterday I set myself a goal, that I would LOVE to mail out my cards by December 6th and then today I get an email from my friend Sandra about the Shutterfly Holiday Card Promo and now let the card designing begin!!! 

Shutterfly offers a great collection of Christmas cards, but I managed to narrow it down to the following two:

I would chose a black and white picture for this card - I do like red sparkles and the snowflakes...

My Favorite

Just like the sample picture I think I would go with a colored picture on my personal favorite... I need to get a Santa Hat for Oliver ASAP!!! 

A few years ago when I discovered Shutterfly I created a photobook for my niece of our afternoon photo session as a wonderful keepsake - since then I've created many photobooks for me to keep and for our family - but now that Oliver is here both grandparents will receive a calendar for Christmas!  I am also considering a photo mug for my Starbucks loving FIL!

If you are interested in this promotion - here is the link :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another year older....

Yesterday was my 31st Birthday and the first person to "wish" me a Happy Birthday was my Son :) I thought he didn't know it was my birthday but he did get me a card and a gift! How did he know I wanted the new Kings of Leon CD?  I guess he gets the smoothness from his Dad... *love you Patrick*