Monday, September 26, 2011

drowning in pictures

As a kid I remember having my own baby album - well it wasn't cute or anything, it was the 80's after all... but I had one... it wasn't as fancy as my older brothers baby albums but it was mine... (theirs was done in the 70's and they had this photographer friend who took all these amazing black and white pictures and bla bla)
I always wanted to have a memory book where my parents (mom who else) would have recorded all the important milestones... but I didn't... I guess being the youngest of three I can be happy I have a baby album... and for whatever reason there is a huge gap between the age 2-5 which know I am finding strange, but whatever...

Anyways I knew even before being pregnant my child needed to have a memory book and a photo album and with the day and age of the internet and digital cameras it is just amazing how many more pictures we can take and how many places we can share our children's milestones so yeah it can be overwhelming... By the time I have updated Facebook, my blog and send out text messages with the most recent updates and pictures it is time to go to bed... ugh... oh and I forgot to mention updating his memory book... needless to say I am behind on the photo album.  I pretty much stayed on top of the first year in his memory book.... now my question - how many photo albums does one child need?  When will I stop taking pictures?  Why did I order that one print, that I don't seem to like now anymore?  How did I miss this one pictures ALL the way in the beginning??? What it is 11pm and I need another photo album to add 150 pictures to???

I do have all his pictures uploaded to the laptop and a back up on an external hard drive and additionally I have them backed up on shutterfly, not to mention some on FB, this blog, Photobucket and various other photo pages I have signed up over the last year or so...

My admiration goes out to anyone who enjoys scapbooking  - it is a beautiful art, I don't think I would enjoy it, mainly because all the options and designs are too overwhelming (it takes me a very long time to pic out a birthday card for someone - and an even longer time to make a decision which one of the 30 identical picture I want to order)  so yeah not for me...  but it is sooooo pretty and sooo many options.... Anyways I am drifting away from the initial subject - I am drowning in pictures.... there is one too many orange envelope next to me....

Well for now the photo album project is on hold until I have purchased another photo album (matching of course to the first album AND the memory book) and once this project has been successfully tamed (not finished because I do not see an end in the near future) I must tackle the next project - MEMORY BOX!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Summer - where did you go???

Dear Summer,

I know a lot of people LOVE you, but a lot of people don't like what you bring along the beautiful weather, your cousin humidity...  So for the last few weeks all I keep hearing is: Where is fall?? When will she come?  I can't wait to wear sweaters, I can't wait for pumpkin beer (I was looking forward to that too I have to admit) and so on....  But you know, you just kind of left quickly the other day.... I don't think I am ready for you to be gone this fast....  Can you come and spend a few more days (weeks)???  It is kind of nice to wear long jeans again and trust me I was getting tired of Oliver's summer clothing, as you know he's been wearing it since May and some stuff he outgrew and some other stuff well, I am just tired of it, but I don't like the fact that his little fingers are cold in the morning when I pick him up from his crib.  He does look cute with his house shoes on, but I preferred his little bare feet running around the house.

So it would be nice if you could just hang for a little longer....



PS: worst case - we'll just see you next year...