Tuesday, October 11, 2011

14 months

where has the time gone??? just the other day I wrote about Oliver's first birthday and now two months simply just flew by...

Oliver started pointing at everything recently and loves to say "Ai" and wave to "Hi" and "Bye"  to whomever waves at him.  It is rather cute to hear him and see him in action.  His walking has been perfected into non-stop running, with the occasional face-meets-floor accident. His face is still recovering from a recent accident two weeks ago.

Baptized and showing off my bling
and recovering from my fall

silly boy

The outdoors is his new passion - just walking up and down the street in our neighborhood while kicking a soccer ball or carrying a rock is highly enjoyable these days.

Oliver LOVES balloons and bubbles - the library story time we visit always finishes with bubbles and I am not proud to say, but my child is the bully of story time and shoved a kid out of the way last week just to get to his bubbles...  (not proud of that)

don't get between me and my balloon lady! 

On October 2nd we finally baptized Oliver at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Ellicott City.  We were very happy Sam finally lives in the area so it made it a bit easier to co-ordinate the Godparents.  Unfortunately couldn't Oliver's Godmother Lora make it so we used Sam's girlfriend as her proxy.  Oliver was mesmerized by Father Matt  and behaved the entire time, he almost burned himself on the baptismal candle, but lucky us no-one really saw it and well let's say his Godfather learned that Oliver can reach PRETTY far....
My Godfather and Jenn 

My favorite part of the day is when I come home from work and he comes running towards me and just smiles and giggles out of happiness that I am back home :)