Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow and Babies

It is already a challenge to get yourself and your baby ready for anything in the morning but add snow to the equation and tag on another 30 min...

Today I had a dentist appointment at 09:30 and I started getting ready at 07:00 and I still got there 10 minutes late!!!!

I think I have the hang on getting myself and Oliver ready in the morning, but that snow - as beautiful as it is - is a HUGE pain in my a$$.  Before Oliver traveling in snow was not that complicated, but today I had to go to the car - parked in the driveway - prior to leaving with him, why?  Well what if there is ice around the car and I am carrying him and the 3,500 bags and things that have to go with us now everywhere we go - how am I supposed to keep my balance and not slip?  Snow is also taking away the shortest path from house to car and believe me 19lbs baby in 20lbs car seat plus above mentioned 3,500 bags is nothing I want to carry for a longer period of time.

How will next winter be?

However - he does look cute in the snow ;)

1 comment:

Sandra said...

That picture is awesome. I love it! Snow, not so much.