Sunday, June 19, 2011

sleep issues, 7th tooth and father's day

For a few days now I have been suspecting teething as the culprit behind Oliver's current not wanting to sleep around midnight and today I found tooth #7!!!  how many more teeth is he going to get?  I swear it is all fun and games until he wakes up in the middle of the night and I have to lay next to him on the floor... Most of the time I fall asleep right there and I wake up anywhere between an hour or sometimes three hours later... most of the time I am cold - his little swaddle blanket isn't big enough to cover me LOL 

hopefully tonight he will sleep through again... PLEASE OLIVER - Mommy needs SLEEP!!!!  

I kind of failed on the Father's Day gift - I ordered some cool Seattle and Star Wars prints a few weeks ago but the Canadian Postal Service is on strike and therefore they have not made it here yet :(  hopefully they will make it soon and hopefully Patrick will enjoy them.  Oliver also got him the Rambo Blue Ray Box Set.  Not sure how he got a hold of my Credit Card and Amazon log on.... might have to check his pockets before I leave to go to work.... 

A few days ago we got Oliver a push walker and he seems to like to be able to cruise through the house.  He sounds really advanced right now, but it is more him "walking" two steps and then letting go and falling... he feels really comfortable though when he holds on to the couch or the coffee table and we have seen him move securely between the both...  He also has his own remote now.  However he seems to know that there is no battery in it... Gosh why are they so smart?  


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