Oliver was teething pretty much the entire month of December and it.sucked.balls!!!! normally I take him to bed and it is matter of minutes but not last month... on a good night I would be out after an hour :( honestly I believe it was a mix of teething (silly molars) and Daddy being gone...
We went to a sleepover at Steffi's house and we had a blast - Frankee joined as well and slept the entire night on their couch :)
For Christmas we drove up to New York to stay with Norma, Viktor and the kids and we had an amazing time. I am very thankful to have my family in driving distance. We spend Christmas Eve in the mansion and there were sooooo many kids - it was like a mob of children and at one point I was afraid they were going to hurt us if we didn't cough up more gifts... Oliver loved every single gift he received and he was having so much fun to be surrounded by all the kids :)
Christmas Morning was again with Norma & Viktor. I have to say I got a lot of ideas for next years Christmas Morning - Jakob, Adrian, Veronika and Oliver were just blown away by what Santa brought them :) We spent the day with my Aunt and Family and it was so much fun!!!
New Years Eve we went to the Alpaugh Family and it was fun to be around MORE babies!!! Thankfully Aria was also there and she helped Oliver to show Mike & Laura what else needed to be baby proofed ;)
Since the New Year Oliver has been going to bed pretty easy again (I do not dare to jinx it here) and I am amazed at his ever changing development... Last Saturday he started putting away his shoes at his little closet area. I happened to take them off and leave them in the dinning room and Oliver got up, grabbed them and put them in its place. Immediately I cheered him on and started clapping, so now he clappes and gets super exciting whenever he puts his shoes away. Needless to say I started to incorporate toy clean up now every night HOPEFULLY that will just catch on somehow.......
Coloring with Crayons is a new activity in the Lamb household... I am trying to teach him to leave his art on the paper and not the WHITE coffee table....
While I cook he is obsessed with trying to cook himself and always grabs the smallest pan and tries so hard to put it on the stove. I am not a fan it and I need to look into getting him a play kitchen to keep him occupied for a few minutes...
While we were at my Aunts house we practiced walking down steps - she has two steps in-doors and it was a good way to practice. He now knows that he could fall and if he finds support (Mommy or the wall) he can walk down safely one step and sometimes two.
I am still amazed that in 6 weeks he got 6 teeth!!!! only two more cuspids to go :)
Pssst Oli is cuter in real life!
haha thanks!!!!
same with your little Oliver ;)
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