Monday, September 27, 2010

It is almost time...

.... to go back to work...  :(

I thought I would go stir crazy just being at home, but so far I LOVE it!  It also helps that there are a few new mommies in my circle of friends and it is nice to chat with them about the little ones, day to day life and everything else in between...

On the bright side, my mom is going to be here soon and she will watch Oliver when it is time to go back to work... Thankfully my bosses are also pretty amazing and I will be able to spend less time in the office and work more from home...  Let's see how it will be once I am back at work...


Our Family said...

I cried like a baby my first day back to work. It was so hard leaving my sweet little girl. It's definitely harder on us than them.

Sandra said...

Good luck with going back to work. At first I really enjoyed being back, but then I realized that I was working all the time - even when I was home with my son. If I had been diciplined enough to focus on my son when I was with him, this working mom thing could've been great.