Monday, May 30, 2011

flying with children

What was I thinking??? 8 hours in an confined place/assigned seat with Oliver and that to and from?  WHAT WAS I THINKING!!! and what do airlines think to let you hold a child on your lap...  Believe it or not, I really never thought about the whole thing - like go to the bathroom, eat food or watch movies.  You know the usual things you do while on a plane.  Well this time I had to eat my food with one hand and have it on the tray next to me (Thank you to the Navy dude on his way to Djibouti for letting me use your tray and I truly hope you didn't get Aids)  and this time I didn't watch ANY movies - well not only did they suck, but the headphone cable was too much of a point of interest for Oliver so NO MOVIES!!! Now how did I go to the restroom?  Thank you to the awesome flight attendants for being super willing to help me out by holding him, playing with him and interacting with him.  These days you don't get any wings anymore (BOOOH!) but they made sure we were taken care off.
I actually considered on the flight back to upgrade to business class and leave Oliver in coach, but that wasn't an option and business class was a little too pricey.
On both flights Oliver made new friends and I do have to say somehow the 8 hours flew by (haha flew by haha) but I don't think I'll do another flight with him  HELL NO!!!

Oliver was a trooper though - he enjoyed that so many people played peekaboo with him :)  THANK YOU!!!

Well on a side-note I can now say I have basically nursed everywhere and it is getting harder and harder to maintain his focus and the nursing cover doesn't quiet work anymore either......  Especially because he thinks we are playing a game...  Stupid peekaboo ;)

Monday, May 16, 2011

It's a German Thing

- Why is the pedestrian area crowded all day/every day?  Don't they have jobs?  When will the newspaper guy retired?  He has been standing every morning on the same corner since I was maybe 4!  Hello???? I thought it was OK to retire here.... 

- How come the drugstore DM is always crowded?  Again don't they have jobs?  

- Whoever said that there aren't a lot of children being born in Germany hasn't been to Kaiserslautern yet, there is a stroller every three feet - and they all are fancy!!! and all the kids are dressed three times warmer than my child.  I even saw a lamb foot muff today - HELLO it is MAY!!!!! 

- I can't believe how much I've missed the ice cream parlors and the cafe's with outdoor seating.  

- On Oliver's first night in Germany he was up at 10pm and yes I considered bar hopping with him in the carrier to help him go to bed.  My mom didn't let me go :(  I took him yesterday to his Thirsty Nellies (she doesn't know - so don't tell her) and I told Oliver that Mommy got drunk here with Daddy a bunch of times... 

- It is Day 4 in Germany and I haven't been in a car but never stayed home either... it is sooo nice to walk EVERYWHERE!!!  

- How come H&M has a bigger and nicer selections of clothes here than in the US? 

- Why does my brother not have a wireless network set up, I am really spoiled being on the internet ANYWHERE in my house.  And why can't I figure out how to get on my Iphone... :( 

- Yesterday for the first time ever all 4 cousins were under one roof :)  didn't take a picture :(  

- Why do Brezel smell so deliciously good? 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Has it been a month since my last post?

Where does the time go?  Every day I have a great idea on what to post and what to write.  But then something happens and forget.

In a week from today I will be in Germany.  I have very mixed feelings about my trip.  I want to go and I want to see my family and friends (I will meet my new niece Marie) but I don't want to fly with Oliver and I don't want to go through a 6 hrs time change with Oliver.  Usually when I go to Germany I quiet never adapt to the time change.  Why?  no need.  I am on vacation LOL  Stay up till 3 or 4 am and then wake up around 10 or 11 am.  Get ready and hang out with family and friends, eat yummy food and go out in the evening.  WELL this trip will be very much different than any other trip I've done back home...

Tomorrow my little guy will be 9 months old.  He will be as old as an entire pregnancy.  How crazy is that? Today for the first time he understood the concept of putting one foot in front of the other foot.  Now don't misunderstand me, he is not walking or anything like it.  But for the first time he came down from his tippy toes and actually "walked" - he was soooo happy and giggling while "walking" from the living room to the computer room to show Daddy how Mama and Oliver could walk.

He enjoys making bubbles with his mouth and sticking his cute tongue out to make even more bubbles and bubble noises.

His lower central incisor came in about two weeks apart so once I saw his right upper central  incisor started making an appearance on April 22nd I thought I had a good two weeks before the other one would start to bother him.  BOY was I wrong.  He was a little terror for about a week and then I found  the left one AND yesterday during a tickling session (the only way I can now peek into his mouth) I saw the start of his right upper lateral incisor....  My boy is growing up too fast and I am wondering how much longer can I nurse him???? ALL.THESE.TEETH!!!!

April 29th wasn't only the day of the royal wedding, it was also the day Oliver waved bye-bye for the first time.  Not sure if I should be proud that he did it towards the royal couple on TV, but I believe three hours of people waving was a good teaching method.  He doesn't do it all the time, but it's a start :)

His crawling is mainly still backwards but he reaches his destination.  He also started flipping himself onto his belly while sleeping at night...