Tuesday, August 30, 2011

first boo boo

what goes hand in hand with learning to walk?  Falling... or should I say learning how to fall gracefully?

Today Oliver decided to skip his morning nap and just be up and energized so we went to the library for story time - as always we had a blast - but when we left someone wanted to walk and well although Mama had him by the hand he just didn't quiet walk but rather stumble and he fell :(  face first on the concrete :(  oh man the tears were HUGE and the crying was LOUD!!! but nothing a hug couldn't fix...

the damage wasn't that bad considering he didn't use his hand to brace his fall... just a few little scratches on his upper lip and check...

Well that wasn't the only time he bumped his head today......  bathtubs are a dangerous place and they do sell spout covers and thanks to Miranda and Aaron we got one as a shower gift however it doesn't quiet work as needed if someone (not going to mention any names here) removes it to rather play with it... long story short he removed it, stood up and lost his balance... BANG hit his little forehead on the spout :(  another bruise to add to the collection... I knew they are coming and I know there will be lots of them but not all in one day.... Poor Mama can't handle all the tears by herself while Daddy is on a business trip in San Francisco...

face meets asphalt

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Irene brought us...

What a week.... first we had an earthquake followed by  Hurricane Irene...  Luckily we were spared by both....   We only lost power for about 2hrs in the middle of the night but thanks to Patrick we were fully prepared to be without power for a while.   He stock piled food and supplies months ago - just in case - and it did pay off to have that sense of calm that we are ready no matter what comes our way.  Jokingly I refer to his OCD preparedness to the "Zombie War Attack" but this weekend did show me that it doesn't hurt to be ready.

now on Oliver news... the little guy officially started walking today!!!  We practiced this morning by have him walk in between me and Patrick and he would take two steps and then fall into our arms (of course we are luring him with remote/iPhone) then we would sit further apart and the time of him walking increased.  Then suddenly he kind of just took off... it was very surreal - it brought a few happiness and some sad tears to my eyes... my little baby is mobile now and is growing more and more independent - which is great, but NOOOOOOO not great at all!!!!  Anyways, as you saw in my last post, his pre walking crawler shoes have a hole and now it was time to buy him some big boy shoes!!! We went to the mall (ugh why on a Sunday afternoon????) and got him two pairs of shoes and let's say he loves walking with his big boy shoes on.  Daddy enjoyed to hold him by the hand and stroll through the isles of H&M.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

first steps

Oliver is getting closer every day to walking... Last Saturday I noticed that he can stand now for a pretty long time and he is pretty sturdy while standing.  Yet he is still very hesitant to take those steps, when he doesn't think about it, he let's go for a few steps but as soon as he realizes it, he goes back on all fours.

I am for now still enjoying the non walking phase but I am very anxious to the walking stage....

brand new
May 2011

worn out
August 2011

I was hoping I could get by the pre walking stage with one pair of soft sole shoes, but as you can see in the picture above he wore a hole through his right shoe... I guess we'll be going to the mall this weekend for another pair of soft sole shoes....

The First Birthday

Wow my little baby is now officially considered a toddler...

We had a beautiful birthday celebration with great friends, semi good weather, lots of yummy summer foods, lots of kids, tons of gifts, proud parents and one awesome little boy who smashed his cake like there is no tomorrow....

thank you Etsy.com for a vintage chalkboard
yummy summer foods

love this angle 


cake balls and watermelon a MUST

lots of gifts

silly Mama

birthday family photo

the perfect cake for a summer themed first birthday

the birthday boy getting ready for the smash cake

the entire family

wonder what he wished for



she wants to help her brother

this is sooooo good!!! 

can I do this everyday please???? 

perfect first birthday

i heart this picture

now that he is a toddler the baby treatment is a thing of the past

not happy

birthday boy wearing his birthday suit

Daddy is mean

time for gifts!!! 

*pictures courtesy of Sophorn Morgan and Sandra Eminger 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

one year ago

I posted that we were ready and eager to meet Oliver... now I can not believe that was ONE YEAR ago.... one year ago I was VERY pregnant and ready to be done with the pregnancy... ONE YEAR ago I had no idea how much I would love him.... ONE YEAR ago his room was ready and today is room is a mess and I love it!!!!

We spend our first weekend away as a family and we went to my cousins Christopher's wedding in New York and stayed with my cousin Norma, her husband Viktor and their three kids (Jakob, Adrian and Veronika) - we.had.a.blast!!!  I can not wait to go back up there... Oliver enjoyed playing with the older kids, it is so nice to see him look at them and trying to interact.  While there he stood twice unsupported for more than 5 seconds each time.  The first time in between Patrick and yours truly while we were sleeping on the floor (best way to sleep BTW) and the second time he was showing off next to Veronika who then decided it was time to push him over...

The wedding was beautiful, seeing family was great and we also happened to not only celebrate Christopher and Krystal's wedding but also my Grandmothers 86th birthday!!!!

Last Saturday was also very eventful for me.  I nursed Oliver for the last time *popping champagne corks* and I can proudly say I DID IT!!! I didn't think I could do it, but I nursed him for 12 months minus one week (but enough frozen BM to cover for that) now he drinks whole milk and loves it (evening bottle has the BM until it is all gone!!!)

On a not so happy note - Oliver ran his first fever on Monday and is still feeling a little under the weather...  hopefully  he will recover before Saturday otherwise we will have to cancel his first birthday party :(