Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Irene brought us...

What a week.... first we had an earthquake followed by  Hurricane Irene...  Luckily we were spared by both....   We only lost power for about 2hrs in the middle of the night but thanks to Patrick we were fully prepared to be without power for a while.   He stock piled food and supplies months ago - just in case - and it did pay off to have that sense of calm that we are ready no matter what comes our way.  Jokingly I refer to his OCD preparedness to the "Zombie War Attack" but this weekend did show me that it doesn't hurt to be ready.

now on Oliver news... the little guy officially started walking today!!!  We practiced this morning by have him walk in between me and Patrick and he would take two steps and then fall into our arms (of course we are luring him with remote/iPhone) then we would sit further apart and the time of him walking increased.  Then suddenly he kind of just took off... it was very surreal - it brought a few happiness and some sad tears to my eyes... my little baby is mobile now and is growing more and more independent - which is great, but NOOOOOOO not great at all!!!!  Anyways, as you saw in my last post, his pre walking crawler shoes have a hole and now it was time to buy him some big boy shoes!!! We went to the mall (ugh why on a Sunday afternoon????) and got him two pairs of shoes and let's say he loves walking with his big boy shoes on.  Daddy enjoyed to hold him by the hand and stroll through the isles of H&M.

1 comment:

SteffiChilds said...
