Wednesday, August 24, 2011

first steps

Oliver is getting closer every day to walking... Last Saturday I noticed that he can stand now for a pretty long time and he is pretty sturdy while standing.  Yet he is still very hesitant to take those steps, when he doesn't think about it, he let's go for a few steps but as soon as he realizes it, he goes back on all fours.

I am for now still enjoying the non walking phase but I am very anxious to the walking stage....

brand new
May 2011

worn out
August 2011

I was hoping I could get by the pre walking stage with one pair of soft sole shoes, but as you can see in the picture above he wore a hole through his right shoe... I guess we'll be going to the mall this weekend for another pair of soft sole shoes....

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Yay for Oliver! Ben started walking exactly one year ago. It is so much fun when they walk!