Wednesday, March 9, 2011

crib sleeper

After 7 months Oliver has been transitioned to his crib in his room!!!!  I didn't think it would be difficult to do, but it was.  The first night (Sunday) I tried to transition him, he did not like it at all.  He was used to get ready for bed in his room and then move to our bedroom to go to bed.  Needless to say, but he slept in his bassinet in our room.

Monday night he didn't mind it when I turned off the light in his room and started nursing him.  He even fell asleep and I was able to transfer him into his crib.  BUT because I am not used to how to handle him - I took to long and he woke up :(  Back to our room.  However Patrick had the genius idea to let him go into a deep sleep in his bassinet and then to move him later on into his crib.  9pm he was successfully transfered and he slept in his crib.  He woke up probably 3-4 times and the first time I knocked over the radiator on my way to his room - poor Frankee might have gotten hit too... He woke up around 5am and was brought to my bed and there we slept again ;)

Third night is the charm ;)
it worked and it was perfect.  I prepared well - changed the night light around, the baby-monitor was in place, the sleep sheep was ready to go and it worked!!!  He woke up a few times before 11pm but no biggie and only once at night.  He was up again around 5am but then did sleep until almost 8am again.  Enough time for me to do my first work-out since Nam, shower and get ready :)

Tonight he fell asleep without any problems... now let's see when he will sleep through the night :)

Thanks to my co-worker Mandy I did record this milestone :)

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Congratulations, that is a huge step! Isn't it weird to have the bedroom all to yourselves again?