Last Thursday morning my poor little guy was sick for the first time :(
He woke up around 4 for a feeding, went back to bed and started crying at around 5am - that is when he suddenly got really sick and vomited. After all the yuck was out of him he fell right back asleep on my chest. Now I stayed in bed until about 7am with him sleeping on me, he then woke up and was chipper again. To be on the safe side I gave him some Tylenol and went back to our room. THEN he got sick again!!!! for the rest of the day all he wanted to do was cuddle and sleep preferably on me! He was also refusing any kid of solid food, milk on the other hand was still ok. I started to get worried and did call the nurses' line to make sure I shouldn't come in. Because he was eating and not running a fever I only had to make sure he was drinking plenty and got rest (check and check).
The saddest part of that day was that he barley wanted to smile :(
Friday morning he woke up his usual chipper self and I thought he was all good... He still didn't want to eat any solid food, but he was smiling and babbling away... However he refused to take any kind of naps.
We had lots of things planned for Saturday which we cancelled (besides IKEA) to be on the safe side and I am glad I did, because Oliver shared his little stomach bug with his mommy :(
Today he feels GREAT (eat 100% normal) and I feel good too...
I do believe I could need another day to rest but no luck.
Waiting on our furniture deliver from IKEA right now... The window was 10:00 - 2:00 and it is 2:38 now and I am still waiting....... arrrggghhhhhhhhhh
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